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Kaylin Dashkewytch



Who Am I?

I'm Kaylin! I'm a Canadian Artist who grew up in Hong Kong. Currently however I am living in the United States. I'm an aspiring 2D Character animator. As of right now I am a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, pursuing my goals.


Who do I want to help?

I want to help kids. I want to help teach them to accept themselves, others, and provide them a comforting space to learn and grow. As well as provide solutions with problems they may be facing, and how to overcome it. I want my work to make an impact on the younger generations. Many of us deal with and struggle with feelings, and it is especially confusing to kids. I want my work to be able to help them understand themselves and that there is no wrong way to learn and feel. I would love to be apart of projects that address these problems be able to provide help, in the same ways I needed when I was younger.


My Ideal Workplace?

My Ideal Job would be working in a supportive company that focuses on both feelgood and motivational series for children. I want to feel as if I am making a positive difference for children and creating their “happy place” by providing them their favourite show.


What is my Purpose?

I ask myself everyday like many people do, what is my purpose? Why am I here? What do I want to achieve? In this moment, my purpose is to be happy, with my work, with my family, with the world around me. In addition I want to share these feelings and provide this happiness to others.


What is my Voice?

I want to be a voice of positivity, to those of all ages. My life goal is to be able to bring out happiness for those around me, especially for those who are struggling and need it in their lives. I want my work to achieve this, but not by ignoring the problems of today, but by providing comfort and even solutions for my audience. Ultimately I want to put smiles on peoples faces, and make them feel like everything is going to be okay.


Savannah College of Art and Design

B.F.A, Sept 2019, Majoring in 2D Animation with a minor of Equestrian Studies. Expected Graduation June 2024

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